Nokia scores 21% higher on average for customer satisfaction, according to online survey

Collect 142,369 online customers service reviews published before March 30, 2013 and what would you expect to find? Are customers more satisfied with their iPhones? Maybe they prefer a Samsung Galaxy something? Nope. A lot of them preferred their Nokia handset across all the carriers here in the U.S.

An online poll recently looked at customer satisfaction across handset manufacturers and carriers. Apple, Blackberry, HTC, Motorola, Nokia, and Samsung were all compared against each other on the big four carriers. As a whole it looks like most customers from this poll had higher levels of satisfaction on AT&T compared to the others.

Satisfaction by Carrier

Below are the manufacturers with the highest level of satisfaction amongst customers per carrier:

  • AT&T – Nokia followed by Samsung
  • Sprint – HTC (no Nokia handsets) followed by Apple
  • T-Mobile – HTC followed by Nokia
  • Verizon – Nokia followed by Apple

What’s really interesting though, is that users who use Nokia smartphones report customer satisfaction 21% above average across all carriers and brands, excluding Sprint where you can’t get a Nokia phone (sorry Sprint customers).

Surveys like this should bode well for Nokia and Windows Phone fans in the long run. While they may not immediately results in new sales, positive word of mouth does help out a lot.

How about you guys? Who is your carrier and your device manufacturer? Are you satisfied? Sound off below.

Source: Amplified Analytics, via: Nokia Innovation

Sam Sabri