Nokia and Phones4U take over The Sun newspaper with advertising

When advertising in newspapers, one would believe that a few spots here and there would be sufficient enough, right? According to the above photo, this apparently isn't the case at Nokia. The UK's The Sun newspaper sports a number of advertisements in one edition. Should the reader not notice a Windows Phone advert on one or two pages, they certainly will now.

We're looking to seriously consider starting up, to keep up with all the latest news surrounding their huge global marketing campaign. Then again, the manufacturer depends on the platform to succeed, so we expect to see much more from both Nokia and Microsoft (as well as other OEMs once things pick up).

Source: CoolSmartphone, via: WMPU

Rich Edmonds
Senior Editor, PC Build

Rich Edmonds was formerly a Senior Editor of PC hardware at Windows Central, covering everything related to PC components and NAS. He's been involved in technology for more than a decade and knows a thing or two about the magic inside a PC chassis. You can follow him on Twitter at @RichEdmonds.