Report: Windows Phone 7 hardware still dominating worldwide, Samsung falling behind

The cross-platform developer advertising network AdDuplex has released data for the month of February which details some interesting findings and trends for Windows Phone. We've previously looked at data leading up and closing off 2012, but what about the start of this year? We've also recently covered Windows Phone 8 taking over Windows Phone 7 hardware in the US, but how does this reflect worldwide?

AdDuplex Worldwide

As one can see in the above chart, Windows Phone 7 still holds the ground worldwide, with the Nokia Lumia 800, Lumia 710 and Lumia 610 taking just over 50 percent combined. It's clear Nokia owns the Windows Phone ecosystem in terms of usage. The Lumia 920 is in fourth place, which is also a promising jump for Windows Phone 8. The handset is currently sat on 10 percent, just 6 percent behind the Lumia 610 in third.

Other notable jumps in share include the Lumia 820, which leaped from 3 percent to 5 percent, while the Lumia 822 and HTC 8S both entered the top ten. It's interesting to note in the above chart the absence of Samsung. Neither its legacy or latest hardware is present. This can be blamed on poor availability of the ATIV S and overall sub-par platform marketing.

Win Phone 7 8 Market

Compared to the report released early last month, Windows Phone 8 is slowly catching up with legacy hardware and if its momentum continues, we could well see a global takeover within the next few months. The chart below goes into country penetration and how quickly the new platform has been adopted by consumers.

Win Phone 7 8 Chart

France, USA and Australia are launch markets for Windows Phone 7, and all have passed the 50 percent barrier. As one would expect, emerging markets including Peru, Brazil, Mexico and Colombia are in a position entirely opposite to the markets in the above chart. 95 percent onwards for Windows Phone 7 is reported.

Update penetration

The Windows Phone 7.8 update is slowly being released with more consumers being able to enjoy the new start screen experience, but it's still lagging slightly with only 16 percent of Windows Phone 7 devices running the latest version. Microsoft has some way to go to get the remaining hardware up to speed.

It's worth noting that rotten luck may be at play here with the selection of handsets used in the AdDuplex report in a similar situation surrounding the update. This may not represent the actual percentage or picture on the update roll out worldwide. But it's not all bad news. Here's a chart showing Windows Phones that have the Portico update:

Win Phone Portico Update Penetration

This is a positive sign. Of the number of Windows Phone 8 included in the reports, 54% were running the latest update. With the OTA process kicking in on the latest mobile platform from Microsoft, the company is able to minimise delay between engineers and the end-consumer.

What's packing the punch in the states?

With the US passing over the 50 percent marker in Windows Phone 8 penetration against its predecessor, which mobile devices took most share in the AdDulex report?

Windows Phone States

The Lumia 920 is winning by a slight margin. Sat at the top on 17 percent, the Lumia 822 comes in second at 16%, with the HTC 8X in third with 12 percent. The Samsung ATIV S is non-existent in the US, leading to both the Focus and Focus Flash showing their heads for the company. HTC has performed well so far, should the chart be anything to go by when calculating actual marketshare.

Overall, the platform is doing well with Windows Phone 8 continuing to grow. Samsung needs to pull its socks up to get back into the fight, but we're sure the company has something planned up its sleeves. This report is based on data collected from 294 Windows Phone apps running AdDuplex SDK v.2. Full report will be available on the AdDuplex website tomorrow.

Rich Edmonds
Senior Editor, PC Build

Rich Edmonds was formerly a Senior Editor of PC hardware at Windows Central, covering everything related to PC components and NAS. He's been involved in technology for more than a decade and knows a thing or two about the magic inside a PC chassis. You can follow him on Twitter at @RichEdmonds.