Amazing Weather HD updated, lockscreen support back on track

Amazing Weather HD is one of our favorite weather apps for Windows Phone. The app is available for both Windows Phone 7.x and 8 devices and was updated to version earlier today to add a few new features and fix a few bugs.

The most notable fix corrects the bug that caused lockscreen updates to not match the weather information. You also have Simplified Chines and Hungarian languages added and a optional usage data setting.

The optional data usage setting is found in Amazing Weather HD's settings under the "general" page. When turned on, the app will collect anonymous usage data that can be used by the developer to better fine tune the app. If you would prefer not to have your usage data collection, just turn this option off.

If you're looking for a healthy weather app for your Windows Phone with impressive Live Tile and lockscreen support, Amazing Weather HD is worth looking into. There is a free trial version available with the full version running $1.99.

You can find Amazing Weather HD here in the Windows Phone Store. Again, it is available for both Windows Phone 7.x and 8 devices.

Thanks, everyone, for the tips!

QR: Amazing Weather HD

George Ponder

George is the Reviews Editor at Windows Central, concentrating on Windows 10 PC and Mobile apps. He's been a supporter of the platform since the days of Windows CE and uses his current Windows 10 Mobile phone daily to keep up with life and enjoy a game during down time.