Learn how to build realistic 3D models with this Maya training, now $30

There’s never been a better time to work in the interconnected fields of graphic design and 3D modeling. Companies ranging from tech startups to architectural firms and engineering companies are always looking for talented designers who can create realistic models of their products, and they’re paying these graphics pros handsomely for their services.

The Mighty Maya Design Mastery Bundle will teach you everything you need to know about one of the leading design programs in the world, and it’s available for over 90% off at just $29.99.

With 98 hours of design training, this bundle will teach you how to master character modeling, rigging, automobile design and more. Used in everything from movies and game creation to architecture and web development, Maya is a leading 3D application used to create stunningly realistic models.

Through sixteen courses, this training package will teach you how to create image maps of any surface, how to build detailed 3D structures, how to alter center pivots, how to create sliding doors and much more. There’s also instruction that teaches you how to use advanced lighting tricks in a variety of different environments.

Get the skills and training you need to become an in-demand graphic designer with the Mighty Maya Design Mastery Bundle for just $29.99—over 90% off for a limited time.

Prices are subject to change.

WC Staff