Join the discussion in our Nokia Lumia 625 Forums!

Have questions about the Lumia 625? Want to discuss the pros and cons of the product and whether or not your mobile operator will be stocking the Windows Phone? Want to talk about how Nokia has nailed the low-end demand? You'll want to head to our new Lumia 625 sub-forum to get your discussion on. If you're already not a member of the largest Windows Phone site in the world, why not register today? We have cookies!

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Forums - Nokia Lumia 625

Nokia Lumia 625 Forum

Rich Edmonds
Senior Editor, PC Build

Rich Edmonds was formerly a Senior Editor of PC hardware at Windows Central, covering everything related to PC components and NAS. He's been involved in technology for more than a decade and knows a thing or two about the magic inside a PC chassis. You can follow him on Twitter at @RichEdmonds.