Visual comparison of the Nokia Lumia 920 and Apple iPhone 5

How grand do they look together?

Russian Windows Phone community has managed to upload a video comparing the iPhone 5 to the Lumia 920. Both were recently unveiled and while the former will be available shortly running iOS 6, the Lumia 920, Nokia's flagship Windows Phone, is expected to be released later this fall.

The Lumia 920 is quite a beast compared to the Apple smartphone in terms of both size and weight. But Nokia's hardware is solid, we've had reports from readers that their Lumia Windows Phones have survived multi-storey drops, key scratching and more. Unfortunately, not the same can be said for the iPhone with many taking to Twitter to complain about easy scratching (or "scratchgate").

Unfortunately we're still unable to see what else is new in Windows Phone 8, though the reviewer does go into how the sheer size of the Lumia 920 isn't too much of a jump should you consider it against an iPhone 5 with a case attached. Just by looking at the video the Lumia 920's display looks a pinch brighter than the Apple competitor.

Our recently published poll results show that the majority of Windows Phone readers are behind Nokia, but are strongly warming up to HTC with what the company has brought to the table. Samsung on the other hand... well... enough said, really. But the support for Nokia is strong from Windows Phone consumers, which shouldn't come as a surprise.

We'll be eagerly awaiting more details to be unveiled of Windows Phone 8 and what's new for consumers, not to mention hardware launches from HTC, Nokia and Samsung. But we shouldn't forget Windows Phone 7.8, which will be heading to legacy hardware as an update once Apollo has been released - we're still unsure exactly what's included.

Let us know your thoughts of the iPhone and Lumia 920 in the comments.

Source: YouTube,, via: WMPU

Rich Edmonds
Senior Editor, PC Build

Rich Edmonds was formerly a Senior Editor of PC hardware at Windows Central, covering everything related to PC components and NAS. He's been involved in technology for more than a decade and knows a thing or two about the magic inside a PC chassis. You can follow him on Twitter at @RichEdmonds.