These Halo condoms from 2004 were probably great for co-op play

Halo marketing materials
Halo marketing materials (Image credit: @GameBoxUKV on Twitter)

Video game marketing has certainly come a long way. From the cringy edge of the 90s to overly masculine promos in the 00s, the difference in tone between then and now couldn't be starker.

Marketers go to comedic lengths to get noticed, slapping a logo on anything and everything in a bid to get your eyeballs. Xbox's marketing certainly did something unique to promote Halo 2 back in 2004, with these mint-condition (albeit, most likely perished) Halo condoms, emblazoned with "it's good to play together." It's almost romantic. Kinda.

As shared by collector GameBoxUKV on Twitter, these (thankfully un-used) Halo condoms are "extremely rare" according to the account and even have their own little box sleeve. The packet reads "coming soon," which can be taken either way, I suppose.

All things considered, for many, Halo is perhaps not the most erotic thing in the world. If you whipped out these bad boys after a date I'm not confident they would enhance the mood. Maybe that is by design. If you found your amorous aspirations rejected owing to these particularly cringy contraceptives, chances are you'd have more time to play video games and pad those Xbox Live engagement numbers. I see exactly what you were going for there, Microsoft. Smart play.

Halo 2 launched all the way back in 2004, making me feel incredibly old. The sixth installment, Halo Infinite, will launch on December 8, 2021. And in all likelihood, will probably not have promotional contraceptives. But hey, crazier things have happened.

Jez Corden
Co-Managing Editor

Jez Corden is a Managing Editor at Windows Central, focusing primarily on all things Xbox and gaming. Jez is known for breaking exclusive news and analysis as relates to the Microsoft ecosystem while being powered by tea. Follow on Twitter @JezCorden and listen to his XB2 Podcast, all about, you guessed it, Xbox!