Elite: Dangerous 'Fleet Carriers' expansion launches, cost 5 billion credits (update)

Elite Dangerous
Elite Dangerous (Image credit: Frontier Developments)

What you need to know

  • Elite: Dangerous is a popular space simulator by Frontier Developments.
  • The game is getting a massive expansion soon.
  • The developer detailed a number of changes coming with the package.
  • You can purchase Elite: Dangerous for $30 on the Microsoft Store.

Updated June 9, 2020: The Fleet Carriers expansion is now available on Xbox One, PC, and PlayStation 4.

Elite: Dangerous is an excellent space simulator that features a massive open galaxy and plenty of activities. It came out on Xbox One a few years ago and has since then received incredible post-launch support. Despite the fact that Frontier Developments has worked on titles like Jurassic World Evolution and others, Elite: Dangerous continues to get expansions and free content.

Today, the team revealed a new trailer for the "Fleet Carriers" expansion. A beta test starts on PC on April 7, but you can test it out on consoles in May. The Fleet Carriers expansion is set to launch in June, but due to the coronavirus, it may be delayed.

Some of the key facts are listed below.

  • A Fleet Carrier costs 5,000,000,000 credits for the base model, which includes a Commodity Market and a Tritium Depot.
  • The ships are individually owned, and the owner can only have one Fleet Carrier at a time.
  • The owner can manage docking permissions.
  • A Fleet Carrier has 16 landing pads.
  • The jump range is only 500 lightyears.
  • Require Tritium as fuel to perform a jump.
  • Fleet Carriers require regular maintenance, which incurs weekly costs.
  • There are multiple ways to manage a Fleet Carrier to continue generating revenue or minimize services when you wish to reduce running costs.

Fleet Carriers seems like a massive step forward for the game, and we can't wait to see what is has in store in a few days by playing the beta.

Asher Madan

Asher Madan handles gaming news for Windows Central. Before joining Windows Central in 2017, Asher worked for a number of different gaming outlets. He has a background in medical science and is passionate about all forms of entertainment, cooking, and antiquing.