Skype Insider Preview nets updates on desktop, mobile, and web

Insiders, get ready to feast on some new tweaks and features across Skype on all platforms.

Microsoft this week is rolling out a whole smorgasbord of updates for Skype insiders across desktop, mobile, and the web. Each platform is getting its own little bit of preview goodness, with features being put through their paces before rolling out broadly to everyone.

On iPhone, iPad, Android, desktop, and the web, the app versions are now all aligned at Here's the full look at what's new:

  • Skype for Web Preview: Adding a badge icon to the Skype for Web Preview tab on web to indicate unread conversations.
  • Mobile platforms: We have now overhauled our call controls so you can perform the important actions in calls more easily.
  • Desktop platforms: Based on your feedback we're moving the in-call chat panel to the right.
  • Ringless calling in 1 person groups was enabled.
  • You can send GIF directly from the expression picker now!

And here's what's been fixed:

  • We're aware that some of you were experiencing the bug in your clients: messages were sent back to you in separated chat ("chat with yourself"). This shouldn't be happening after yesterday's fix and second fix is coming very soon so those chats will go away.

Along with the new features and fixes, Microsoft notes that there's a single known issue with the Store app for Windows 10 PCs. You may experience problems with recording and sending video messages, but the Skype team is currently working on a fix.

Additionally, support for the current version of Skype for the web is coming to an end soon. In an alert showing up for users now (via OnMSFT), Microsoft says that a new preview version that only works with Chrome and Edge is available to try now.

If you're a Skype Insider, you can grab the latest versions of the preview apps on Android, iOS, and desktop now.

Dan Thorp-Lancaster

Dan Thorp-Lancaster is the former Editor-in-Chief of Windows Central. He began working with Windows Central, Android Central, and iMore as a news writer in 2014 and is obsessed with tech of all sorts. You can follow Dan on Twitter @DthorpL and Instagram @heyitsdtl