Developer shows how Cortana can be used for home automation

We’ve already seen some of the cool things that Cortana can do, and how it is more than just a personal assistant. But the developers over at Onion have leveraged Cortana’s ability to integrate with third-party apps to take it to a completely different level.

And while the video is short, the results are an enticing look at just what could be ahead for Windows Phone, along with mobile and non-mobile devices alike.

Using Onion’s ( firmware and cloud-based infrastructure, these guys were able to use simple voice commands to get Cortana to turn a lamp on and off, as well as to print a basic itemized grocery list using a receipt printer.

Sure, we won’t be heading into Ikea for a voice-activated lamp or a grocery list printer any time soon, but with beginning rise of the “internet of things” and the adaptability of Cortana, this future may not be too far off.

Soon we could be telling our phones to turn our lights on at dusk, or to get the house warmed up as we brave our wintery commute home from work.

There are already plenty of thermostats and garage door openers out there that let you control them from afar, but that is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. We could see companies like Onion or others start producing internet-connected adapters to market to the masses for their various devices, and because of Cortana, Windows Phone is poised to be on the vanguard.

So what do you think? Is the demonstration in this video a gimmick, or is this what the future holds in store? How willing are you to wire your house and everything in it to the internet?

Be sure to let us know in the comments.

And if you are interested in learning more about the “internet of things,” wearables, and all things connected, check out our sister site, Connectedly.

Source: Sertac Ozercan (via YouTube); Via: NeoWin

Seth Brodeur