Grab a Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare exoskeleton for your Xbox Live avatar

Now that Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare has been released for the Xbox One and Xbox 360, owners of one or both of Microsoft's game consoles can also outfit their Xbox Live avatar with a version of the game's Sentinel Task Force Exoskeleton.

Yes, your puny avatar may have a cool hat or a t-shirt but now Microsoft has provided a link where your 3D doppelganger can be outfitted with the same power suit that's featured in the newly launched near-future first person shooter from Sledgehammer Games and Activision. Sure, your avatar won't suddenly start beating up other avatars, but at least it looks boss.

Xbox Live Avatar

Have you played Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare yet and if so how does it compare with previous entries in the series? Thanks to Rafael via Twitter for the tip!


John Callaham