Microsoft’s latest commercial brings your world to life – Windows is everywhere

Microsoft is everywhere and they want you to know that. The two latest commercials (see the second ad after the break) from the boys in Redmond show off the harmonious marriage of various services on Windows 8 and Windows Phone devices. Internet Explorer, Bing, Xbox, Skype, SkyDrive, and the App store - are all touched upon.

In a world where ecosystem are kings and the best devices are nothing without backing – Microsoft wants you to know that they’ve got you covered.

Two editions of the commercials were released, with a second one including Microsoft Office in the lineup of applications. Take a look at both ads to see how “Windows brings it [work or play] all to life on your Windows tablet, PC, and phone.”

This time let’s ask – what Microsoft services do you NOT use? I personally only use Internet Explorer on my Surface and revert back to Google Chrome on my ThinkPad.

Source: WindowsVideos

Michael Archambault