MWg Zinc II Slider: WM6.1 Pro is Fast

New to us: Phonemag brings us a link to a review of the MWg Zinc II at TrustedReviews. It's a quad-band GSM WM6.1 Pro device, with a sliding keyboard and a wicked-fast 500MHz Processor. Since a small player like MWg isn't likely to get carrier pick up in the US here, the story here is actually that Windows Mobile 6.1 Pro is pretty quick and nice. We (and Microsoft too) have devoted most of our attention to the improvements to WM Standard Edition, but there are a couple of benefits to the Touchscreen side too.

The features for Pro that might get the most attention are Threaded SMS messaging, a new Task Manager, and the slightly improved Pocket IE. Still, it's good to know that WM6.1 adds “teh snappy” too. ...or at least it does on a 500MHz processor.

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