ProShot and Camera360 Windows Phone 8 apps updated, bug fixes and minor tweaks for all

Two popular photography apps for your Windows Phone 8 devices has been updated. ProShot and Camera360 both have received updates that mainly address fixes and tweaks to their user interfaces.

ProShot jumps to version 2.8 and adds a new focus dial with fixes for the burst mode and UI tweaks. The focus dial sits to the side of the viewfinder and is a nice addition and should be more convenient for those who prefer to manually focus on things.

Proshot's new Focus Wheel

Camera360 makes the move to version 1.1 and adds a new Lomo and HDR filter to the Scenery Mode. The app's full screen photo view now supports images up to 12MP.

Camera360 adds Lomo and HDR filters to the Scenery Mode

If you haven't tried either ProShot or Camera360, both are fantastic alternatives to the native Windows Phone camera app. They approach things in a slightly different approach and give you a little more creative control over your camera.

There is a trial version available for ProShot with the full version running $1.99 that you can find here in the Windows Phone Store. Camera360 is a free app and you can find Camera360 here in the Windows Phone Store.

Thanks, everyone, for the tips!

George Ponder

George is the Reviews Editor at Windows Central, concentrating on Windows 10 PC and Mobile apps. He's been a supporter of the platform since the days of Windows CE and uses his current Windows 10 Mobile phone daily to keep up with life and enjoy a game during down time.