Microsoft Edge update for Windows 10 boosts performance and more

Microsoft launched its big November update for Windows 10 last week, and along with it came a new version of its Microsoft Edge web browser. The company says that includes an improved version of its EdgeHTML rendering engine.

Microsoft says the new EdgeHTML 13 engine, which has been available for Windows Insider members to test for the past few months, has added a number of improvements and features that have helped to increase its performance compared to the older EdgeHTML 12 engine. It states:

"These updates bring Microsoft Edge to a score of 458 on HTML5Test – an improvement of 56 points in just a few months, and 117 points over Internet Explorer 11."

Microsoft adds that Chakra, the JavaScript engine in Microsoft Edge, also has a number of new features and improvements in this new version on Windows 10. It states:

"With these updates, Microsoft Edge is by a wide margin the highest-scoring desktop browser in the Kangax ES6 compatibility table, which measures support for the component features of ES2015, perhaps the largest update in JavaScript history."

Finally, the same version of EdgeHTML is now available on Microsoft Edge on Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile and even on the Xbox One via the New Xbox One Experience update.

Source: Microsoft

John Callaham