NPR One comes to Windows 10 as a universal app, headed to mobile soon

For you public radio fans out there, NPR One is now available as a universal app for Windows 10 and is coming soon to Windows 10 Mobile. Bumping the app up to version 2.0, the app is now designed specifically for Windows 10 with a better big-screen experience along with Cortana support and more. Here's the breakdown:

  • We're excited to bring you an entirely revamped and unique NPR One experience - designed specifically for Windows 10.
  • Enhanced Large Screen Experience - We've brought beautiful and captivating images associated with stories to your desktop experience.
  • Cortona Support - Missed the latest episode of your favorite program or podcast? Just tell Cortana which program or podcast you'd like to listen to in NPR One and she'll fire up the latest episode for you. Like that story you just heard? Ask Cortana to mark it as interesting so we play you more content like it.

The app is currently only available as a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app on Windows 10 desktop, but NPR notes that Mobile support is coming soon. If you find yourself puzzled as to why a "universal app" is only available for one platform or another, be sure to check out our editorial on the subject for a thorough explanation.

For now, you can grab the app at the Windows Store link below for Windows 10, and be sure to check out the Windows Blog for an in-depth look at building a UWP app from the NPR team.

Download NPR One for Windows 10


Via: Windows Blog

Dan Thorp-Lancaster

Dan Thorp-Lancaster is the former Editor-in-Chief of Windows Central. He began working with Windows Central, Android Central, and iMore as a news writer in 2014 and is obsessed with tech of all sorts. You can follow Dan on Twitter @DthorpL and Instagram @heyitsdtl