Chime in: Share your thoughts on Microsoft's recent reorg

The recent Microsoft reorganization was pretty significant, if only because of the result it had on the Windows and Devices group. Windows has been split, and no longer has a direct position on the senior leadership team. Does that mean anything though? We want to know your thoughts.

There's lots to wrap your head around with the recent reorg. The Windows Core when under Scott Guthrie, while Windows experiences and devices went under Rajesh Jha. New Windows experiences will be lead by Joe Belfiore, with Microsoft's hardware efforts continuing under Panos Panay. Head over here for more information.

I've been seeing a bunch of wailing and gnashing of teeth about the latest re-organization of Microsoft and the fact that "Windows has been demoted". This has kind of left me puzzled because I actually view the reorg as something very positive. Before you dismiss it here's why..... A couple of years back Microsoft published a couple of YouTube videos entitled "Future Visions" (you know the...


It's important to be clear that Windows 10 is not less important now. Windows 10 is still one of Microsoft's most important products, and is the very foundation of everything Microsoft does right now, including Azure, Office, and Xbox. Windows isn't going anywhere, but we want to know what you think so make sure you let us know in our forums!

Thoughts on the recent Windows reorganization

Zac Bowden
Senior Editor

Zac Bowden is a Senior Editor at Windows Central. Bringing you exclusive coverage into the world of Windows on PCs, tablets, phones, and more. Also an avid collector of rare Microsoft prototype devices! Keep in touch on Twitter and Threads