What do you think of Windows 10 Mobile build 15063?

With Build 15063 being considered the release to manufacturing (RTM) build of the Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update, we're interested in hearing about your experience with the latest Insider Preview build. Build 15063 rolled out earlier this week, and it has been working pretty nicely for us.

Build 15063 itself includes everything you can expect to see in the Creators Update when it rolls out officially during the next few weeks. We're expecting Microsoft to roll out several bug fixes before then, however, so if you are encountering any issues they may still be fixed in time.

Head on over to the related thread on the Windows Central Forums, see what others are saying, and join the discussion.

From Microsoft What's improved for Mobile? We fixed the bug causing a number of inbox apps to fail to launch (such as Store) and also preventing any app updates from the Store from working. Thank you all for sending us feedback around this. We fixed the bug causing background tasks to not run in the background like they should such as OneDrive's camera roll sync feature. Background...

Zac Bowden
Senior Editor

Zac Bowden is a Senior Editor at Windows Central. Bringing you exclusive coverage into the world of Windows on PCs, tablets, phones, and more. Also an avid collector of rare Microsoft prototype devices! Keep in touch on Twitter and Threads