Medieval RPG Kingdom Come: Deliverance gets a new trailer alongside digital preorders

Many gamers have been eagerly awaiting this title and luckily they won't have to wait too long because the game launches on February 13, 2018, for Xbox One, Windows PC and PlayStation 4. Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a story-driven open-world role-playing game that immerses you in an epic adventure in the Holy Roman Empire. You get to explore majestic castles, deep forests, thriving villages, and countless other real-life places in medieval Bohemia.

The title starts off rather tragically because you have to avenge your parent's death. While that may be the main quest, there are much larger forces at play. The game features intense battles, game-changing quests, and the ability to dramatically impact the world by making certain choices.

If you watch the developer diary, the game's creative director Daniel Vávra and his team offer insight into the title by explaining the variety of weapons, attacks, counters, and moves available during intense fights. As much as Kingdom Come: Deliverance is about exploring the world, there's a lot of skill involved when it comes to combat. The game challenges you to chain combo attacks, exploit opponent weaknesses, and always aim for the right target zone. You'll need a lot of practice to get good at it.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance has been available for preorder on Amazon for a while now but today also marks the day the game is available for digital preorder on Xbox One and Steam. If you are fascinated by the medieval time period, be sure to check out the title at retailers.

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Asher Madan

Asher Madan handles gaming news for Windows Central. Before joining Windows Central in 2017, Asher worked for a number of different gaming outlets. He has a background in medical science and is passionate about all forms of entertainment, cooking, and antiquing.