Stardock's Start11 program will help you fix the Windows 11 Start menu

Windows 11 Widget Surface Pro
Windows 11 Widget Surface Pro (Image credit: Daniel Rubino / Windows Central)

What you need to know

  • Windows 11's Start menu has been a point of contention for many users.
  • Stardock's Start11 program is designed to fix the issues.
  • Start11 is currently in beta and costs $4.99 to grab.

There are many things that have irked PC users about Windows 11 since Microsoft revealed the new operating system, but perhaps none have received quite the amount of vitriol as the Start menu. To put it simply: There are people who hate the new Start menu.

What do people dislike about it? Here are some common complaints: It wastes space, removes customization and user control options, and lacks features.

However, there's an easy solution if you can't stand Windows 11's Start menu. Well, two. First, just go back to Windows 10; it'll be supported for a long time. And as for the second solution: Stardock's Start11. It's a program that'll let you customize Windows 11's Start menu and taskbar to your heart's content.


Source: Stardock (Image credit: Source: Stardock)

Here's a snippet of the copy Stardock uses to advertise Start11: "For users who want to personalize their Start menu, Start11 offers robust customization options ranging from aesthetic to functional. The software enables enhanced Windows 10 and Windows 11 style Start menus, a compact Windows 7 design, optional Windows 11 style for classic menus, and many additional settings that let you configure your personalized Start menu."

You can find out more about Start11 on Stardock's site, but here's the skinny: It's a program that's actively receiving updates (next one lands October 7) and costs $4.99 to acquire in its current beta form.

Robert Carnevale

Robert Carnevale is the News Editor for Windows Central. He's a big fan of Kinect (it lives on in his heart), Sonic the Hedgehog, and the legendary intersection of those two titans, Sonic Free Riders. He is the author of Cold War 2395. Have a useful tip? Send it to