Write for WMExperts

This coming Tuesday, WMExperts turns 1 year old (yarly!). We've been growing fast and we're a bit past due to pick up some new writers -- that's where you come in. Want to join our already awesome team and make it, um, awesome-r? Let us know:

Send an email to jobs@wmexperts.com with the subject line “Writing for WMExperts” and some info in the body:

  • What sorts of writing you're interested in. We need reviewers for accessories and software and also regular bloggers.
  • A sample blog post or brief (less than 500 words) review (try to show that you can match our snarky-nerd-fanboy tone and/or can be objective in a review)
  • Tell us how often you would be able to submit posts or articles
  • Tell us what sort of device you're using as your “Daily Driver” and what other devices you might have sitting in a drawer that you could easily cover (this includes Treos and iPhones, you dirty moonlighter).

Please just send text email - no attachments or resumes or whatnot. Yes, we're looking to pay you for your efforts and no, our great team of folks who have been posting reviews and blog posts aren't going anywhere.

WC Staff