Battletech gets first expansion in November with 'Flashpoint'

Battletech (Image credit: Paradox)

Turn-based mech fighter Battletech is set to get its first expansion in November. Called "Flashpoint," the expansion will bring a new set of BattleMechs for players to command, a new biome, and the expansion's namesake Flashpoints.

The highlight here is Flashpoints, which Paradox Interactive describes as short stories that test your skills. Once completed, you'll be treated to some lucrative rewards, particularly for extended contracts.

Here's a rundown of all of what's new in Battletech Flashpoint:

  • Flashpoints - Test your command skills in a series of action-packed short stories, completing extended contracts to earn big bonuses.
  • New Biome - Navigate a lush tropical beach environment, with sunny shores and just a pinch of alien flare, for good measure. Sunscreen optional.
  • New BattleMechs - Get your 'Mech on with the armor-chopping power of the Hatchetman, the speed and versatility of the Crab, and the multi-range firepower of the Cyclops.
  • New Encounter - In "Target Acquisition", you'll put your light and medium 'Mechs to good use by taking control of three territories on the map to prevail!

There's no word on a price or exact release date for Flashpoint just yet, but you'll be able to get your hands on it sometime in November. For now, you can dive into Battletech for $31.99 on PC.

See at Green Man Gaming

Dan Thorp-Lancaster

Dan Thorp-Lancaster is the former Editor-in-Chief of Windows Central. He began working with Windows Central, Android Central, and iMore as a news writer in 2014 and is obsessed with tech of all sorts. You can follow Dan on Twitter @DthorpL and Instagram @heyitsdtl