Monster Hunter Rise's Sunbreak expansion coming to PC in Summer 2022

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Dragon
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Dragon (Image credit: Capcom)

What you need to know

  • Nintendo revealed a major expansion for Monster Hunter Rise, called Sunbreak.
  • According to Capcom, Sunbreak will release on PC and Switch at the same time in Summer 2022.
  • This means that Monster Hunter Rise will likely come to PC by the time Sunbreak launches.

The first thing revealed at today's Nintendo Direct event was an expansion for Monster Hunter Rise, called Sunbreak. This would have been a strictly Switch-based announcement, except that Capcom revealed in a follow-up tweet that the expansion would be coming to PC as well. That means that the PC version of Rise will likely be released by Summer 2022.

( that the expansion would also be released on PC in Summer 2022.

Capcom had previously revealed that the game would be coming to PC at some point in 2022, but it hasn't given any specific release date. While the trailer for Sunbreak doesn't give a release date for the expansion or the PC version of the game, it does narrow the window for when the PC version will be released. At the moment, the official Monster Hunter Rise Twitter still says "early 2022" for the PC release date.

Rachel Kaser

Rachel Kaser is a Windows Central gaming contributor, who's been writing since 2013 and gaming since the age of five. She's covered everything from gaming news, reviews, and analysis -- if it exists in gaming, she knows about it. She also contributes to Future's other sites, iMore and Android Central. If you want to hear her opinions on games, pop culture, tech, and everything in between, follow her on Twitter @rachelkaser.