SlingPlayer Updated for Windows Mobile 6

That was pretty quick! Just over two weeks ago Sling put out a call for Beta testers for a new version of their SlingPlayer Mobile client that would be compatible with Windows Mobile 6. And badda-bing, today Smartphone Thoughts reports that the client is ready to rock. Now, granted, Windows Mobile 6 isn't all that different from its predecessor, but this humble writer suspects that the SlingPlayer digs pretty deep into the OS to get its great video quality - so it makes sense that it would take some tweaking to make it work with the latest and greatest.

Now, I don't have a Slingbox myself just yet - but its definitely my plan to pick up one of those suckers just as soon as I get, you know, a TV. If you're one of those folks who happens to own both a TV and a Windows Mobile device (imagine that!), I heartily recommend you pick up a SlingBox posthaste.

Read: Sling Media - SlingPlayer Mobile

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