The Witcher Twos-days: Read our Episode 2 recap and watch the latest in our weekly series!

The Witcher 3 is set to be one of the year's biggest role-playing games when it arrives on Xbox One, Windows, and Playstation 4 this May. The third game in the Witcher series differentiates itself from other open-world action-RPGs with its dark and mature storyline filled with meaningful player choices and memorable sidequests.

To help prepare our readers for The Witcher 3, Windows Central has begun a new weekly Twitch series focused on The Witcher 2. Every Tuesday night at 8pm Central (9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific), we play through another section of the game while you guys watch the stream at This week's stream has ended, but you can still watch the full replay after the break.

Did you miss the previous episode of our Witcher Twos-day series? Don't worry; we've got a full write-up that will get you up to speed – complete with screenshots from the stream!

Watch live video from EastXTwitch on Twitch

Previous recaps

  • Prelude: About the hero Geralt and a quick summary of the first Witcher game
  • Episode 1 recap: The assassination of Foltest and Geralt escapes the prison

The Witcher 2 Xbox 360

The dangerous path to Flotsam

When our first episode concluded, Geralt the Witcher had just escaped from a Temerian prison with the help of Vernon Roche, the commander of the Temerian Special Forces, and Triss Merigold, a sorceress and Geralt's sometimes-girlfriend.

The three of them arrive by ship on the outskirts of the town of Flotsam, where they seek the trail of the assassin who killed King Foltest and the group who aided him. In order to avoid suspicion or interference, our heroes travel along a riverbank towards the city on foot.

The Witcher 2 Xbox 360

There they encounter Iorveth, a scarred elf who leads the terroristic Scoia'tael. In the Witcher's world, humans have long treated non-human races like elves and dwarves with prejudice and cruelty. After years of poor treatment, the more disgruntled nonhumans have banded together to lash out against human civilization as the Scoia'tael.

Iorveth, Geralt, and Roche trade barbs while each side stalls for time. Just as Iorveth's archers launch a flurry of arrows towards out heroes, Triss casts the spell she has been preparing. A magical shield envelopes the group, protecting them from ranged attacks. Triss passes out, forcing Roche to carry her while Geralt fends off the elves who rush them on foot.

The Witcher 2 Xbox 360

Welcome to Flotsam

At last, Geralt and team reach Flotsam and escape from their Scoia'tael pursuers. Not far into town, they discover that Geralt's friends Dandelion the bard and Zoltan the dwarf are facing public execution. Dandelion has been accused of debauchery and burning down a watchtower, while Zoltan faces the noose for collusion with the Scoia'tael. Geralt quickly resolves to save them, and without killing.

The Witcher 2 Xbox 360

To do this, he first must brawl with a guard at the foot of the gallows. Behind them, the executioner continues working his way through the day's criminals, underscoring the urgency of Geralt's mission. After knocking out the guard, Geralt is greeted by Bernard Loredo, Commander of Port Flotsam.

Luckily, Loredo wants to ask Geralt for a favor. He releases Dandelion and Zoltan into Geralt's charge on the condition that Geralt visit him to discuss matters later. The trio of friends retires to the local tavern, where they meet up with Triss. Roche has left to attend his own affairs.

The Witcher 2 Xbox 360

Geralt's team catches up at the inn

Geralt, Triss, Dandelion, and Zoltan discuss a variety of topics:

  • Geralt is surprised that Dandelion has become a Temerian spy; he now works for Roche. Zoltan predicts that Dandelion will tire of spying and quit before long.
  • Zoltan explains that he would never associate with the hateful Scoia-tael. But the wedding he planned at the end of the first Witcher game was called off because his would-be Father-in-law believed a false rumor that he had joined the terrorists.

The Witcher 2 Xbox 360

  • Triss reveals some of the events that occurred after Foltest's death, while Geralt was still imprisoned. The lords of Temeria convened for three days but could not settle on a replacement for the King. A commander named John Natalis (who we will meet later in the story) must keep the peace until a new king is crowned.
  • Geralt relates the events surrounding Foltest's death, which we covered in last week's recap, to his friends.

The Witcher 2 Xbox 360

The Kayran attacks

Our group's conversation is interrupted by news from outside: a gigantic beast called the Kayran is savaging the port! Everyone runs out to see its tentacles thrashing at nearby workers.

Before Geralt can act, the buxom sorceress Síle de Tansarville (pronounced Sheala) frightens the monster off with her magic. An ungrateful batch of locals complains that she didn't do enough to help, but the Witcher convinces them to leave.

The Witcher 2 Xbox 360

Louis Merse, a local bureaucrat, approaches Geralt and Lady de Tansarville and asks whether Geralt will cooperate with the sorceress to eliminate the Kayran. He agrees, and a new questline begins. Later, we catch up with Merse and intimidate him into paying both Geralt and Lady de Tansarville the same fee instead of making them split a single payment.

The rest of our play session consists of picking up side quests and playing the local dice game against NPCs. Finally, we exit the town as we prepare to follow through on a quest.

Now you're ready for the next chapter of our epic Witcher 2 playthrough!

The Witcher 2 Xbox 360

The Contest (ended)

We'll be streaming The Witcher 2 for 120 minutes tonight, starting at 8pm Central (9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific). During that time, we'll be giving out a total of 4 game codes:

  • 3 copies of The Witcher Adventure Game for Windows and Mac via

To enter, just follow me at and tune in during the stream. You can watch the stream right here in this post, but you need to actually participate in the stream chat to have a chance at winning. We'll deliver codes to the winners via Twitch message (PM) during the stream. No code begging!

How to watch Twitch livestreams

What's the best way to experience Twitch? The Twitch website on your PC or Mac web browser. If you don't have or prefer not to use a computer, you can get the Xbox One, Playstation 4, or Xbox 360 Twitch apps and watch from the comfort of your couch. Android and iOS both have official and unofficial Twitch apps to choose from as well.

On Windows Phone, you'll have to grab an unofficial app. My recommendation is Unstream. It has far more features than competing apps, such as the ability to see a list of users participating in the stream chat. Unfortunately you'll have to add our channel to your favorites from the Twitch website, outside of the app (for now).

The Witcher 2 Xbox 360

Streaming schedule

Want to know what's next for Windows Central's weekly Twitch streaming contests? Here's our upcoming schedule:

  • Saturday, February 21 : Chariot from Frima Studio
  • Saturday, February 28 : Asphalt 8 (Windows 8) from Gameloft. Guest cohost: "Gameloft" Ryan!
  • Saturday, March 7 : Order & Chaos Online (Windows 8) from Gameloft. Guest cohost: "Gameloft" Ryan!

In addition to our Saturday contest streams, we also livestream a variety of different games throughout the week. These streams don't have contests, but they still offer a great chance to see more exciting games while enjoying our live commentary and stream chat.

  • Mondays: Playstation Vita games! See what the other side gets to play.
  • Tuesdays: The Witcher 2 for Xbox 360. Catch up on The Witcher saga before The Witcher 3 launches in May!
  • Wednesdays: Xbox One games. This week we're playing Strider!
  • Thursdays: Dragon Age: Inquisition! Game selected and funded by our excellent stream viewers.

We hope you'll tune in as often as you can! Set a recurring alarm on your phone so you'll always know when it's time for the stream to start.


Way to go winners!

  • thals1992
  • Bluebetta19
  • Paprtigr

Thanks to CD Projekt RED for providing tonight's prizes. Thanks also to tonight's cohosts Xero and Tylerh1701 and our Twitch stream moderators for keeping the stream friendly and giving away the prizes!

Paul Acevedo

Paul Acevedo is the Games Editor at Windows Central. A lifelong gamer, he has written about videogames for over 15 years and reviewed over 350 games for our site. Follow him on Twitter @PaulRAcevedo. Don’t hate. Appreciate!