NFLRUSH brings fantasy football and prizes to kids on Windows Phone and Windows 8.1

The official NFLRUSH Fantasy Football is now available for Windows Phone and the upcoming NFL season. This app will allow you keep track of your NFLRUSH Fantasy team while you're out and about. Bonus: It's available as a Universal Windows app, and there's a Windows 8.1 version floating around in the Store.

You're probably wondering what NFLRUSH Fantasy is, so were we since there's already an NFL Fantasy Football app in the Windows Phone Store. It turns out that NFLRUSH Fantasy Football is a fantasy league aimed at kids. At least we're assuming that's the case since you need to be between ages 6 and 13 to win weekly prizes like an Xbox One or a copy of Madden NFL 15.

NFLRUSH Fantasy Football slipped into the Windows Phone Store a few days ago and without much fanfare. As a Universal Windows app, you'll find a Windows 8.1 version in the Windows Store.

Here's what you get with the app:

  • Gameplay: The app features various updates to navigation so you can check your results in previous weeks at any time. In addition, our updated messaging system keeps you up to date with the latest results for all your favorite games.
  • Roster: Enjoy the latest roster updates for a fuller 2014 experience.
  • Groups: Create and Join groups with your friends and see how your team stacks up against theirs.
  • Leaderboard: See how your roster stacks up against everyone else playing the game. You can compete for prizes* and earn bragging rights with your friends.

NFLRUSH Fantasy Football

We're happy to see the NFL continue to support Windows Phone and Windows 8, even if these two apps appear to be mobile sites. But don't fret, the Android and iOS versions look to have the same mobile web treatment.

If you're a kid and like the NFL you should check out NFLRUSH Fantasy Football. You get the chance to win weekly prizes, like an Xbox One. Just make sure you have your parental consent in order.

Thanks for the tip Antonio!


Sam Sabri