Third-party Reddit app Readit gets a brand new post viewer and more

The team behind the popular third-party Reddit app Readit for Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile has pushed out yet another solid update. The new build includes what the team is calling a "completely rewritten" post viewer among its additions, changes and bug fixes.

Here's what the Readit team has to say about the new post viewer:

We now use direct manipulation, sort of like the other app but in a highly customized way that allows for our own virtualization. Performance improvements should be HUGE in both speed and memory while using the swipe view. The post viewer first launch will be a bit weird and a little slower, but thereafter will be much faster than before in regards to swipe view. Sometimes, it doesn't snap to the next or previous post. It isn't very common and I am still looking into why it happens. It isn't perfect but I will continue to improve speed and other aspects of it so please leave some feedback with details if you do.

Here's what else is included in the update:

General Additions

  • New Browsing setting: Enable Javascript - Default: Off - enables javascript in the embedded browser (performance will decline with certain sites when this option is enabled)
  • "Saved" is now an option in the subreddits list at the top. Clicking this will take you to the saved section of your profile.
  • When loading context in swipeview, the context will be loaded and inserted into swipe view as the next item. Swiping backwards will get you back to the OP before loading the context and swiping forward will continue swipeview from where you left off.
  • Desktop: Removed the margin from the left side of the page content. It now aligns adjacent to the hamburger menu bar/edge of screen


  • Major speed improvements in page navigation speed
  • Comments will collapse even faster
  • Low memory device optimizations have been applied and will prevent a lot of the out of memory crashing on those devices.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the duplicate favorite bug on desktop when switching between accounts
  • Fixed losing accounts and account issues related to that
  • Fixed favorites related bugs
  • Any sort of page navigation will now cause the hamburger menu to properly close (on mobile, depends on desktop setting)
  • Fixed the subscribe/pin toggles not populating correctly when opening the sidebar
  • Fixed not being able to pin multireddits to the start screen/menu

Download Readit for Windows 10/Windows 10 Mobile

QR: Readit

Source: Reddit

John Callaham