YouTube Mobile Not Working? Try Vtap

So we all know and love the mobile version of YouTube, although as folks noted in the comments it doesn't necessarily work on every WinMo phone. Still, if it works for you, there are great features like the ability to log into your account and see your videos or favorites.

If it's not working and you don't feel like installing the classic Windows Mobile YouTube hack, fear not, there are other options: and vtap.

Blueapple.mobil is another great way to get videos streamed to your device. You simply got to from your web browser, enter the name of a video you want to watch and enjoy the streams. The great thing about this is that there are tons of videos to choose from. The bad thing is that it tends to download the movies either on the phone or the storage card which sucks up memory. This is a great substitute if my vtap doesn

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