Beat 'em up 'I Am The Hero' joins Xbox Play Anywhere

I Am The Hero is a pixel art-based beat 'em up game that tells the story of a hero with a mysterious past. While there is a single-player campaign, it mostly revolves around side-scrolling through the streets and beating everyone up. According to developer Crazyant, "I Am The Hero is a love note to retro gaming, ripped from the fuzzy memories of childhoods, and seasoned with a wild passion for fighting games."

I Am The Hero features Xbox Play Anywhere support, meaning that you only have to buy the game once for $7.99, and can play it on Xbox One or Windows 10. All of your saved progress carries over too, so that you can pick up and play on any device from where you left off.

When Xbox Play Anywhere first launched, not a lot of games supported the feature. However, as soon as high-profile titles like Middle-earth: Shadow of War and Resident Evil 7 became compatible, it seems like a lot of games were signing up.

Xbox Play Anywhere represents Microsoft's vision for a gaming world where your purchases work wherever you go. The company is even investing in technology like Project xCloud which allows you to stream games even over a mobile network, if you aren't at home in front of your console. Hopefully Xbox Play Anywhere will grow even more in the future and be supported when the next-generation machine hits.

See at Microsoft Store

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Asher Madan

Asher Madan handles gaming news for Windows Central. Before joining Windows Central in 2017, Asher worked for a number of different gaming outlets. He has a background in medical science and is passionate about all forms of entertainment, cooking, and antiquing.