Blizzard seems to be working on a new first-person game with vehicles

Blizzard Logo
Blizzard Logo (Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

The studio recently posted a listing on their careers page advertising the need for a Senior Software Engineer who would code vehicles for an upcoming project. No other details were provided about the game but given the fact that the title features vehicles, it's safe to assume that there will be large levels with roads and other terrain to get around. It might even be open world. The listing for the position reads as follows.

Blizzard Entertainment is looking for a talented gameplay engineer to help create vehicles and build vehicle handling features in a robust first-person engine for an unannounced project. The ideal candidate has proven experience in vehicle handling, with exposure to other game systems like physics, animation, and cameras. They must have outstanding people skills and a longstanding passion for playing games across multiple genres and platforms.

Blizzard has a history of producing stellar experiences and it's more than likely that it will continue with this upcoming project. If you look at games like World of Warcraft, Diablo III, and Overwatch, it's clear that many of their games are genre-defining. If they are indeed working on a new first-person game (and not some sort of feature update for Overwatch), then it might leave a significant important on the gaming industry just like their previous titles.

Here's hoping that whenever the project is revealed and in the hands of gamers, it'll blow everyone away.

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Asher Madan

Asher Madan handles gaming news for Windows Central. Before joining Windows Central in 2017, Asher worked for a number of different gaming outlets. He has a background in medical science and is passionate about all forms of entertainment, cooking, and antiquing.