Catch Windows Central's Daniel Rubino on TD Ameritrade this afternoon

Daniel Rubino on TV
Daniel Rubino on TV (Image credit: Windows Central)

NVIDIA is set to report its latest earnings today, and Windows Central's executive editor, Daniel Rubino, will be on TD Ameritrade to talk all about what to expect. Rubino is set to go on live on TD Ameritrade Network around 1:45 p.m. ET.

NVIDIA has already enjoyed a stellar financial year. The company's stock is up more than 100 percent in 2020, and that includes an increase of 40 percent since May. For this quarter, we're expecting to see that growth continue, possibly topping analyst estimates despite potential drops in automotive revenue.

The earnings come ahead of NVIDIA's planned September 1 debut of its GeForce RTX 30 series GPUs, which should be among the best graphics cards for 2020. There's also the rumored NVIDIA-ARM acquisition to keep in mind.

In any case, you can watch Rubino chime in on all of the expectations for NVIDIA's latest quarterly earnings around 1:45 p.m. ET at TD Ameritrade Network.

Dan Thorp-Lancaster

Dan Thorp-Lancaster is the former Editor-in-Chief of Windows Central. He began working with Windows Central, Android Central, and iMore as a news writer in 2014 and is obsessed with tech of all sorts. You can follow Dan on Twitter @DthorpL and Instagram @heyitsdtl