Chatting with Facebook friends from your Windows Phone

When Facebook Messenger released for Windows Phone devices a couple of weeks back, it marked the third official way to chat with your Facebook friends on Windows Phone. No kidding!

While the Facebook integration is one of the touted features of the platform and you can chat with your Facebook friends from within the messaging app, you can also do the same using the official Facebook app developed by Microsoft. And now, there’s Facebook Messenger. All of which brings us to the question, "How do you chat with your Facebook friends from your Windows Phone?"

For the first couple of days, I got annoyed with multiple notifications for a single chat message but when I discovered this poll and subsequent thread on Windows Phone Central forums, I realized that I wasn’t alone.

Facebook Messenger of course offers more features than the native messaging app. You can send pictures and stickers, and also do group chats. On the app, I’ve heard cribs about the non-availability of an option for dark theme in the app though. The messaging app is limited, and any updates to the same would come baked in the OS updates. The standalone app of course would be expected to be updated more frequently.

How do you chat with your Facebook friends on your Windows Phone devices? Also, how do you like the new Facebook Messenger? Tell us in your comments or head over the this Windows Phone Central forum's discussion and chime in on things.

Abhishek Baxi