Microsoft To-Do Preview launches on the web, Windows 10, Android and iOS

Microsoft has been cooking up a new To-do list app under the code name Project Cheshire for several months. Now it looks like that app is ready in preview form under its official name, Microsoft To-Do. Initially spotted by Walking Cat on Twitter (via, Microsoft To-Do Preview is now available on the web as well as via apps for Windows 10 PC and Mobile, Android, and iOS.

As for the app itself, it's a very simple To-Do list that will sync your lists and reminders across platforms. Though it sports a relatively simple and attractive look, Microsoft has packed some smarts into To-Do with intelligent suggestions, recurring reminders, and more. Here's a look at some of what To-Do can, well, do:

  • Add to-dos that you'll focus on today to My Day, every day it wipes clean so you can start afresh.
  • Try out our intelligent Suggestions.
  • Set due dates & reminders.
  • Color-code your lists—easily separate work from home, and everything in between.
  • …and much more!

The app likely owes a bit of its DNA to Wunderlist, which Microsoft acquired in 2015. In fact, as pointed out by, you can even import your to-dos from Wunderlist, as well as Todoist.

While the service sports the Microsoft To-Do name on the web, Android and iOS, the Windows 10 app is still listed in the Windows Store under the Project Cheshire name — though it changes to Microsoft To-Do once installed. Still, if you want to give To-Do a look, you can grab it for all 3 platforms or check it out on the web now.

Updated April 19, 2017: Microsoft has now officially announced the To-Do Preview launch on the Office blog. Notably, Microsoft says it will look to retire Wunderlist once it is confident is has "incorporated the best of Wunderlist into To-Do."

Dan Thorp-Lancaster

Dan Thorp-Lancaster is the former Editor-in-Chief of Windows Central. He began working with Windows Central, Android Central, and iMore as a news writer in 2014 and is obsessed with tech of all sorts. You can follow Dan on Twitter @DthorpL and Instagram @heyitsdtl