Skype, WhatsApp and Telegram sharing buttons can now be added to WordPress sites

While many websites have embedded sharing buttons for social networks like Facebook and Twitter in their pages, WordPress is throwing in some additional options for the millions of users who create sites and blogs with its service. They can now add buttons for sharing content on the Skype, WhatsApp and Telegram messaging services.

Skype, WhatsApp and Telegram

According to its blog, users can go to their My Sites menu, then select Sharing, then select the Sharing Buttons tab to see the three new additions. If they want to add one or more of those buttons, they can go to Edit Sharing Buttons to select them so they show up on their pages. This addition shows that popular messaging services like Skype, WhatsApp and Telegram are being used more and more to share content in a similar fashion to social networks

John Callaham