ARTistic, an artistic social network for your Windows Phone

ARTistic is a rather neat app for your Windows Phone that lets you browse through some really nice artwork, submit your own and review/comment on others work. The developer created ARTistic to entertain, inspire and empower the artist in all of us and they did a pretty good job of it.

ARTistic is spread out nicely using the Windows Phone panoramic layout. While you do need to create an art profile to upload and comment, browsing and downloading can be accomplished without the need for a profile.

The main pages of ARTistic cover,

  • What's Hot: Select art pieces that are receiving the most comments.
  • New Art: Newly submitted art. Explore: Here you will find eleven broad categories of art ranging from Cartoons to Photography. Within each category you will find a gallery page with thumbnails of the art and a ARTistic Member search page.
  • Art Profile: This is where you go to create your ARTistic profile (free) and edit it as needed.
  • About: This page has links to rate/review the app in the Marketplace, view other apps from the developer, an option to pin a live ART tile to your Start Screen, and access the app's settings (notifications on/off and disclaimer).

To submit an art piece to ARTistic you'll need to go to your ARTistic profile page and hit the "submit new art" button. The upload page lets you select the category, title and whether or not you want others to be able to download your art. Just tap "upload new art" and you're in business. Neuralnet has really laid things out nicely.  Registering and uploading art was a breeze.  I was able to create a profile and upload my latest Windows Phone wallpaper quickly and headache free (you can find it under ARTistic user Coppertop).

All in all, ARTistic is an interesting art app for your Windows Phone that has potential. Being a relatively new Windows Phone app, the art collection is rather thin but give it time and its sure to grow. If you could add a photo editor feature into the mix and ARTistic might shine a little brighter.

ARTistic is a free, ad supported app that you can grab here at the Windows Phone Marketplace.

Via: Windows Phone Daily; Thanks, Luis, for the tip!

George Ponder

George is the Reviews Editor at Windows Central, concentrating on Windows 10 PC and Mobile apps. He's been a supporter of the platform since the days of Windows CE and uses his current Windows 10 Mobile phone daily to keep up with life and enjoy a game during down time.