Microsoft Rewards members can now score Magzter GOLD, meaning magazines and newspapers galore

Magzter (Image credit: Magzter)

What you need to know

  • Magzter is now on Microsoft Rewards.
  • For 3,000 Rewards points per month, you can claim Magzter GOLD.
  • New U.S. users who sign up for Microsoft Rewards via Magzter can get one month of GOLD for free.

Worried that you're not reading enough of People magazine? Behind on news because you haven't gotten around to reading the latest Daily Express? Well, have no fear. Microsoft Rewards and Magzter are here to make sure you have access to more reading material than you'll ever need.

Magzter is now offering Magzter GOLD via Microsoft Rewards. The price is 3,000 Rewards points per month. Here's a little blurb from the press release spelling it all out:

"Magzter, the world's largest digital newsstand, is launching a new offer for Microsoft Rewards members in the U.S. Now, Microsoft Rewards members can subscribe to Magzter GOLD with just 3,000 Microsoft Rewards points a month. Additionally, any new user from the U.S. who signs up for Microsoft Rewards via Magzter can receive an offer for a free month of Magzter GOLD."

In case you're not familiar with Magzter, its sales pitch is that it offers newspapers and magazines across every possible beat you could ever imagine. Want to find out what's happening in Indonesia? They have newspapers for that. Want a magazine for gun enthusiasts? That's there, too. Everything from Playboy Slovakia and Gospel USA Magazine to El Heraldo de México and the Daily Mirror will be at your fingertips via Magzter.

If you pick Magzter as your Microsoft Rewards reward, you can read your new collection of magazines and newspapers on the Magzter website or Android and iOS apps.

Robert Carnevale

Robert Carnevale is the News Editor for Windows Central. He's a big fan of Kinect (it lives on in his heart), Sonic the Hedgehog, and the legendary intersection of those two titans, Sonic Free Riders. He is the author of Cold War 2395. Have a useful tip? Send it to