New Movie Maker update gains extra video effects, saves Instagram uploads and more

Movie Maker 8.1 has just received a major app update for Windows Phone. As you know, Movie Maker 8.1 is one of the few video editing applications available. You'll need to be using Windows Phone 8.1 or above to take advantage of apps like Movie Maker 8.1. Today's update adds new video effects, audio fade and much more. Full changelog and download link can be found if you read on.

We're big fans of Movie Maker. We especially like using the app for video uploads on Instagram You'll find Movie Maker sitting at version in the Windows Phone Store. Don't let the numbers of the version number fool you, this is a massive update.

Here's what's new:

  • 8 new video effects: invert, sepia, toon, left shadow, bright, blue contrast, twirl, edge
  • Audio Fade in/out/cross => exclusive!! Can't find it on other WP video editors :)
  • payment gateway integration for SMS purchases (Microsoft Certified Partner)
  • New slider and range controls, lot more smooth (and multitouch)
  • Short cartoon sound library, to add funny sounds to your movie
  • New exclusive soundtracks, composed by a professional DJ for Movie Maker only!!
  • Improved encoder with custom FPS and BITRATE settings, to really fine tune the final movie compressed size.
  • Supports installation on SD card
  • By popular demand: video shared to Instragram are now optionally saved
  • Custom compression settings for YouTube sharing
  • Customizable default location where to save movies
  • Slot machine to try to win plugins for free :)

Movie Maker

And since you're reading this on Windows Phone Central you get five coins to play the slot machine to try and win free plugins. Here's the special code:

  • wpcentral745

Want to redeem the special code for the slot machine? Here's what you do:

  • Launch Movie Maker
  • Open the app bar menu and select "external plugins"
  • Tap on the 'store' icon of the desired plugin
  • Tap "Unlock Code" => enter code
  • Then tap 'Do you feel lucky'

Today's update to Movie Maker is gigantic, and we can't wait for you all to test it out. Let us know what you think of today's update and let us know if you win the slot machine for free plugins! Grab the app for $0.99 or take the free trial for a spin.

QR: Movie Maker

Sam Sabri