Nokia releases financial report: 4 million Lumias shipped in Q2 2012, doubles Q1 results

Nokia has released their Q2 financial report today, which paints a somewhat unexpected picture. According to figures present in the document, Nokia has managed to sell four million Lumia Windows Phones worldwide. This is up from their previous report of Q1 where Nokia CEO Stephen Elop stated the company "exceeded expectations" in the US.

We've been looking at the growth figures for the previous quarters and the situation looks strong for the Lumia line of Windows Phone with exponential growth taking place. Pushing out over a million devices in Q4 2011, followed by further increase in Q1 2012, we're seeing a positive trend with four million Lumias heading to consumers. Carriers in Canada have also previously revealed they are pleased with how Nokia Windows Phones have been received by customers. These numbers are positive, with the "Rolling Thunder" marketing push proving to be successful, not to mention the continuous rollout of both Smoked by Windows Phone and Dare to Live campaigns.

The issue that Nokia faces currently is to keep consumer interest high in current generation of Windows Phones, especially with the recent announcement that current hardware wont be receiving an Apollo update. The manufacturer has continued to drop the prices of Lumia smartphones with the Lumia 900 now available on AT&T for just $49.99.

We believe the company has a strong position within the Windows Phone eco-system, which can potentially paint a positive future with Windows 8 and Apollo just around the corner. It'll be interesting to see what Nokia brings to the table regarding next generation hardware. With Nokia reducing the pricing for their flagship Windows Phone, Nokia is ensuring availability to a wider audience. Pushing in multiple markets also aids Nokia's expansion, as well as taking the platform itself to new geographic locations. The company has managed to start rebuilding the brand, now it's time to start pushing up the numbers.

What do you think of these figures? Do you belive the future looks bright? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Developing as more information comes to light...

Source: Nokia

Rich Edmonds
Senior Editor, PC Build

Rich Edmonds was formerly a Senior Editor of PC hardware at Windows Central, covering everything related to PC components and NAS. He's been involved in technology for more than a decade and knows a thing or two about the magic inside a PC chassis. You can follow him on Twitter at @RichEdmonds.