Watch Apple unveil a new iPhone SE, iPad Air, and more with our friends at iMore

iPhone SE
iPhone SE (Image credit: Windows Central)

What you need to know

  • Apple's Peek Performance special event kicks off today, March 8, at 1 PM ET.
  • You can stay up to date with all of the biggest Apple news with our sister site iMore.
  • Apple is expected to announce a new iPhone SE with 5G support, at least one new Mac, and an upgraded iPad Air.

Apple will be the talk of the tech world today, March 8, 2022. The company's Peek Performance event starts at 1 PM ET and will likely include the announcement of a new iPhone SE with 5G, an upgraded iPad Air, and at least one new Mac. While many of our readers steer clear of the Apple ecosystem, it's normal to, ahem, peek across the way.

Our sister site iMore will cover all the news from Apple's Peek Performance event as it happens. They'll also recap the event and share how to watch Apple's stream after it concludes. If you'd like to watch the event live, there are several ways to do so.

The easiest way to watch Apple's event is to tune in on YouTube. It's possible to view YouTube on just about any device, and it doesn't require you to have a specific operating system. YouTube also supports setting reminders, so you can make sure you get pinged when the event is about to start.

If you prefer watching your Apple news on Apple software or hardware, you can also check out the event on the Apple TV app or on the Apple Events website.

Instead of watching out of interest, you may prefer to watch Apple's event to be able to make timely jokes. If that's your cup of tea, make sure to follow our senior editor Zac Bowden on Twitter.

Sean Endicott
News Writer and apps editor

Sean Endicott brings nearly a decade of experience covering Microsoft and Windows news to Windows Central. He joined our team in 2017 as an app reviewer and now heads up our day-to-day news coverage. If you have a news tip or an app to review, hit him up at