Matchy takes MTN 'Windows Phone App of the Year' award

Matchy is a Windows Phone indie puzzle game developed by our own RogueCode at a previous Nokia Lumia hackathon in Durban, South Africa. Attending developers had just 48 hours to create a brand new Windows Phone app from scratch. While this may not sound overly difficult to the average consumer, it can prove difficult for the individual who has to go from concept in the mind to working prototype in a prompt fashion. Luckily he pulled through and created Matchy before the time was up.

We last looked at Matchy when it was released on the Marketplace for everyone to enjoy. Now we're pleased to announce that it has won "Windows Phone App of the Year" at the recent MTN (website) mobile app awards. To recap on the game itself - the gist of Matchy is to rotate objects into position on the screen to match the provided shadow. Four game modes are available for the player to enjoy, which are 1 minute sprint, 3 minute rush, 6 minute run and Continuous. The last option gives the player just six seconds to solve each puzzle, consider it the challenge mode for those with speedy reactions and a sharp mind.

Back to the award picked up by Matchy. In the "Windows" category (we count it as just Windows Phone since the Windows 8 Marketplace isn't readily available yet) Matchy was up against two other apps, News24 and Mxit. The former is a well established news website (, while Mxit ( claims to be South Africa's largest social network. RogueCode's app managed to beat both entries and win the glorified title.

There were a number of other awards being handed out at the event, covering all major mobile platforms. Unfortunately Matchy didn't make "Best Overall App", but we're still proud of what our colleague has achieved in under 48 hours of development. Be sure to download the game for a test spin (it's completely free) to see what all the fuss is about.

You can download Matchy from the Marketplace for free, and be sure to take a look at Matt's website for more details. via: TheTechieGuy

Rich Edmonds
Senior Editor, PC Build

Rich Edmonds was formerly a Senior Editor of PC hardware at Windows Central, covering everything related to PC components and NAS. He's been involved in technology for more than a decade and knows a thing or two about the magic inside a PC chassis. You can follow him on Twitter at @RichEdmonds.