Challenge your Geography skills with GeoQuiz, today's AdDuplex HERO App

How well do you know World geography? GeoQuiz is a Windows Phone trivia game that puts your knowledge of World maps to the test. The game has five categories where you will see a picture of the global location and will have to identify the location on a map. The closer you are to the actual location, the more points you will earn. GeoQuiz includes 550 landmarks to map out in a challenging fashion. The Windows Phone game also scores as today's AdDuplex HERO App.

The HERO Apps program is a promotional campaign for Windows Phone and Windows developers on the AdDuplex Network and partners AdDuplex with myAppFree, AppDeals, PluralSight and Windows Central to deliver a host of benefits to the top apps and games each month. Our role in the HERO App campaign is to offer a little exposure to these titles by sharing them with you, our readers.


The main menu for GeoQuiz offers you the option to play the game, access the game's settings, view the game's local leaderboard and view the About screen. You will also find options to launch GeoPhoto (another app from the developer) and launch a slideshow of all the global locations included in the game.

Game play has five categories that include Sights, Nature, Capitals, Headquarters and Birthplaces. You also have the option to mix things up with trivia questions from each category and the option to use your own pictures for a game.

Game play is the same regardless of your category. A photo of the location is displayed at the top of the screen with a World map displayed just below. You need to tap the location of the photo on the map and when you are comfortable with your placement, tap the check box at the bottom of the screen.


For example, in the Headquarters category, a picture of Corporate Logo will appear and you have to find the location of that company's headquarters. You see Microsoft's logo and will need to find Redmond, Washington, USA on the map and tap as close as possible.

Each question is timed to see how long it takes to tap the map with your answer. The closer you are to the actual location and the quicker you answer, the more points earned.

Each category has eleven levels of play, each with ten trivia questions to attempt. Maps are touch zoomable and the game will tap into your locally saved maps when possible. If you don't have the maps stored locally, you will need a data connection. I did find the game's pace was a little slower when you had to rely on online maps but nothing painfully slow.

After each question, you will have the option to view the Wikipedia page on the photo, view the information on the photo and center the map on your location. At any time during the game you can toggle between four map layers that include road maps, terrain, satellite and hybrid layers.

For the most part, I found GeoQuiz to be a challenging, fun approach to geographic trivia. I only have two nits on the game that include the slow load times and the time it takes to zoom into a location. I wouldn't mind seeing the game start with the map zoomed in a little more to save you some time to do so yourself. This will take a second to do and could affect your score. Neither are critical issues and overall, if you are looking for a unique trivia game, GeoQuiz is worth a try.

GeoQuiz is a free, ad-supported game available from both the Windows Phone and Windows 10 Store. It is compatible with low-memory Windows Phones.

QR: GeoQuiz

AdDuplex HERO Promotion

AdDuplex is a fantastic resource for the cross-promotion of Windows Phone and Windows apps. AdDuplex has launched a new program designed to help developers promote their apps even further with free access to various tools and resources from AdDuplex.

The HERO Apps promotion partners AdDuplex with Windows Central, myAppFree, AppDeals and PluralSight to provide additional benefits to the top apps every month that include:

  • Vouchers to advertise on AdDuplex
  • One month subscription to Pluralsight Plus
  • A featured campaign with myAppFree
  • A featured campaign with AppDeals
  • A review here on Windows Central

If you are a Windows or Windows Phone developer, you can sign up for the HERO Apps program here at AdDuplex's website. To participate in the program, you will need to apply within thirty days after your app or game has launched on the AdDuplex network.

Windows Central is already partnered with the myAppFree campaign and is proud to be partnering up with AdDuplex with the HERO Apps program. It is another excellent opportunity to help promote both the Windows Phone and Windows platform.

George Ponder

George is the Reviews Editor at Windows Central, concentrating on Windows 10 PC and Mobile apps. He's been a supporter of the platform since the days of Windows CE and uses his current Windows 10 Mobile phone daily to keep up with life and enjoy a game during down time.