New Blasphemous 2 trailer confirms pre-orders have gone live

Promotional screenshot of Blasphemous 2 gameplay
(Image credit: Team17)

What you need to know

  • The Game Kitchen and Team17's upcoming Blasphemous 2, has recently received a new gameplay trailer that has announced that pre-orders for the game are now available.
  • This game is a sequel to the 2019 soulslike metroidvania indie title, Blasphemous, and once has players traverse through a dangerous, gothic-horror fantasy world as The Penitent One.
  • Blasphemous 2 is set to release for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, PC via Steam on Aug. 24, 2024.

Recently, a new trailer went live for Blasphemous 2, an upcoming side-scrolling metroidvania title developed by The Game Kitchen and published by Team17. This trailer showcases snippets of the game's intense combat system and the horrific monsters players will face. At the end of the trailer, it announces that Blasphemous II is now available for pre-ordering on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

For those unaware, Blasphemous 2 is a sequel to an indie soulslike Metroidvania title released in 2019 called Blasphemous. The sequel will once again have players assume the role of The Penitent One as they fight their way through a mysterious world filled with ancient secrets and bloodthirsty monsters to prevent a prophecy involving the birth of a new Child of the MIracle.

To complete your mission, you will need to explore a non-linear world that is littered with deadly traps and treasures containing gear that will help you survive. On your journey, you will engage beasts and towering bosses in brutal battles where you will need to dodge attacks, unleash intricate combos while your enemies are vulnerable, and finish them with sadistic executions. 

Windows Central's take

We at Windows Central reviewed the original Blasphemous two years ago and praised it for its addicting gameplay, enthralling non-linear progression, and breathtaking medieval art style.

From the looks of this trailer, the sequel is looking to remain faithful to the elements that made the first Blasphemous a success while aiming to improve upon them for a more exciting and challenging gameplay experience. Will this upcoming Xbox title be able to live its predecessor and earn a spot among the best games in Xbox's massive library

Find next month to find out as Blasphemous 2 is scheduled to launch on Aug. 24, 2023, and will be released on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

Blasphemous 2

Blasphemous 2

Reawaken once more as The Penitent One and carve a bloody path through a dark, mysterious world of monsters and unspeakable terror in Blasphemous 2.

Pre-order: Xbox | Steam (GMG)

Alexander Cope

Alexander Cope is a gaming veteran of 30-plus years, primarily covering PC and Xbox games here on Windows Central. Gaming since the 8-bit era, Alexander's expertise revolves around gaming guides and news, with a particular focus on Japanese titles from the likes of Elden Ring to Final Fantasy. Alexander is always on deck to help our readers conquer the industry's most difficult games — when he can pry himself away from Monster Hunter that is!