Grab coupons for Indian online stores with the Couponraja app

Couponraja ( offers coupons, promotions, and deals from over 1000 online retailers across India.

Launched in October 2011, the service attempts to be a one-stop source for big savings with minimum hassle. The company has launched their official app for Windows Phone last week that helps searching for and using coupon codes in an easy and seamless manner.

The app has a neat and modern user interface, and offers an intuitive user experience. You can redeem coupons and deals directly from your Windows Phone device instead of printing the coupons or making a note of them elsewhere. You can sign-up using your email address or your Facebook or Google account, although you can skip the step and access most features without logging in.

You can explore coupons through various categories, or browse through the top ones or new additions. The app allows you to add your favorite coupons and brands so you can check them out later frequently. You can also share individual coupons with your friends and family through the usual social channels.

Download the Couponraja app for free for Windows Phone 8 devices from the Windows Phone Store. There’s a plethora of coupons and deals sites in India and it’s a growing market piggybacking on the rise of ecommerce. Couponraja should get some positive mind-share and signups since it happens to be the first one on the Windows Phone Store. Grab the app and save on your next shopping, and let us know how it goes.  

Abhishek Baxi