Lumia 920 sent into space, 1,000 Euros reward for locating it

Finnish retailer Verkkokauppa has sent a Lumia 920 into space attached to a balloon. The company decided to see how far the device could reach until the balloon burst for it to then travel back down to Earth. The Windows Phone managed to achieve a height of 30km, spending more than 27 minutes in sub-zero temperatures. 

Encased in a special container, the device made it back to sea level and was recovered by the launch team. However, it has been revealed that numerous Lumia 920s were sent up into the air. Unfortunately the team hasn't had much luck locating a second Lumia 920. This is where a 1,000 Euros offer comes into play. Whoever can find the missing Windows Phone and contacts the company will receive the reward.

According to a Facebook post, the handset's last known co-ordinates were:

  • Latitude: 61.324573
  • Longitude: 27.734175

Using Google Bing Maps, this location is in Finland (we do not recommend the use of Maps in iOS6) where the Lumia 920 is likely situated on water. Should you happen to locate the missing device, be sure to contact the number on the container, or take a photo and send it to

The Lumia 800 was previously sent up into space by a team of UK scientists at the University of Southampton, which reached 32km and was airborne for 2 hours and 22 minutes. It seems Nokia Windows Phones are sturdy machines when it comes to being fired up into orbit. Perhaps we'll see a HTC device replace the unmanned space exploration robots? At least -should we meet any unknown life forms- they'll have a decent smartphone to play with.

Soure: Facebook (Verkkokauppa); thanks, Jukka Rautanen, for tipping us!

Rich Edmonds
Senior Editor, PC Build

Rich Edmonds was formerly a Senior Editor of PC hardware at Windows Central, covering everything related to PC components and NAS. He's been involved in technology for more than a decade and knows a thing or two about the magic inside a PC chassis. You can follow him on Twitter at @RichEdmonds.