Windows 10 build 10108 includes some interesting UI changes

It's been an interesting past few weeks for Windows Insiders as we have seen a lot of changes and improvements coming to Windows 10. We have seen changes from various leak version of the operating system and from official builds, such as the case of Windows 10 build 10074, which included the new blur effect in the Start menu and new UI elements for Cortana. We even got a sneak peek of what is come thanks to Microsoft's Joe Belfiore demo during the Build conference.

Today is a new day and even though Microsoft hasn't released a new version of Windows 10 and technically there is not a new leak floating around the web. Apparently there a few people that managed to get their hands on Windows 10 build 10108 (which is a partner build from winmain_prs channel) but it's unlikely that this build will be available for Windows Insiders.

Windows 10 build 10108 doesn't include major changes, but there are a few new UI tweaks and improvements since the last public preview Microsoft released on April 29.


The first change can be found in the Settings app. In build 10108, Microsoft is centering all content on the main page, and now there is a default gray background color. Before, all the icons were centered, but they were vertically aligned to the top.

In addition, in the Settings app and through the operating system, the software maker is updating how the pill toggle buttons look. In this unreleased build version of Windows 10, users will notice that when switching an option to the On position the pill switch get a full background color using the Windows scheme color. Also, the element inside the switch is now small circle instead of a pill.

Start menu

The Start menu is not getting many improvements with this build, but users will notice an updated 3D animation for the Live Tiles. Some users already have this on clean installs of 10074, and it may be in A/B testing.

3D Builder app

In build 10108, Microsoft seems to have included the 3D Builder app, which is a Windows 8.1 app. However, it's not clear if this is going to be a permanent inclusion or indeed Windows 10 will be bundled with the app considering that not everyone will have a 3D printer when the operating system launches.

Another change that is worth pointing out is Microsoft is finally updating the right-click contextual menus. Previously, we have seen a white contextual in Windows 10, but up until now the new menu was limited to the taskbar. Starting in build 10108, the new white contextual menu also appears when right-clicking on the desktop, on File Explorer, and pretty much throughout the operating system.

It's worth noting that the new white menus are adaptable menus too. This feature means that when using touch and you press and hold to bring the contextual menu, items will appear more spaced out for better "touchability". Then when using a keyboard and mouse all the elements in the menu will look normal. (The image below is from Windows 10 build 10074)

It seems that the Network menu UI will start taking the dark theme in the same way as the Action Center, like we have seen in previous builds.

Wrapping things up

As we get closer to the end of the development cycle, we're going to start seeing less major changes appearing in the operating system and more fixes, refinements, and tweaks.

Microsoft plans to launch Windows 10 for desktop computer later this summer, and there is still a lot of things that need to get fixed to make the operating system stable. Also, the company has previously confirmed that many features won't make it at launch, so users can expect new features are coming to Windows 10 after the official release.

Source WinBeta (YouTube)

Mauro Huculak

Mauro Huculak has been a Windows How-To Expert contributor for for nearly a decade and has over 15 years of experience writing comprehensive guides. He also has an IT background and has achieved different professional certifications from Microsoft, Cisco, VMware, and CompTIA. He has been recognized as a Microsoft MVP for many years.