Plumbago is Microsoft's new Windows 10 app that aims to replace paper notebooks

Microsoft's latest in-house app for Windows 10 from its Garage division is called Plumbago, and the company hopes it might take the place of paper notebooks. The app has been designed specifically for people who love handwriting and drawing, with technology that smooths out the strokes when using a stylus like the Surface Pen on a Surface tablet.

Microsoft says:

Plumbago, which is Latin for graphite – all pencils have graphite in them – makes writing more consistent digitally, based on your previous strokes, as you write in the notebook. While it won't instantly transform your handwriting, it will look more consistent across a notebook. This technology is called handwriting beautification, a technology which involves efficient stroke matching across the thousands of strokes written by a user. If matching strokes can be found, the strokes can be averaged to produce more consistent and easier-to-read handwriting.

The app allows users to switch between pen, pencil and highlighter modes for the stylus. It also offers different types of digital "paper" styles, including grids and music sheets. A movable radial menu gives users access to their handwriting options, including different colors and eraser tools.

Download Plumbago for Windows 10

Source: Microsoft

John Callaham