How to get a pet in Diablo 4

Diablo 4 doggos
(Image credit: Jennifer Young)

The unthinkable has happened, not only is Diablo 4 currently enjoying its most successful season ever, but they just shadow dropped a bunch of furry surprises into the game. Yes, you can now have your own pet, no more zig zagging around the Helltide trying to pick up your gold!

The pets were announced following the unveiling of a new trailer for Lord of Hatred, the new expansion which drops on October 8 2024. Pre ordering the expansion will get you a pet too, but there is also a free dog for everyone to claim RIGHT NOW if you log in.

You get a dog, and you get a dog and YOU get a dog! Here's how to claim your free pet in Diablo 4. 

1. Head to Kyovashad

Head to Kyovashad to pick up a priority quest (Image credit: Jennifer Young)

Once your Diablo 4 game has updated with the new patch, you should see a priority quest in Kyovashad called 'Faithful Companion'. Head over to the quest.

2. Tell the dog he's a good boy

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Show your appreciation, tell the dog he's a good boy. There is no other dialogue option, because why would there be? What kind of monster are you? 

3. Equip the dog in your wardrobe

Head to your wardrobe, where you'll now find a 'Pets' tab, and equip your cute little puppy. Blizzard will also helpfully - ahem- show you the other pets that are available if you preorder Vessel of Hatred.


(Image credit: Jennifer Young)

Congratulations, you now have a furry friend to follow you around Sanctuary and pick up all your crafting mats and gold. Hurrah! There's only one thing left to do. You must pet the dog, regularly. It's not easy being man's best friend in a hellscape.

Open your gesture wheel (up on the D pad if on console) and select 'Hello' to pet your new dog. 

How to unlock more pets in Diablo 4

(Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

If you're not satiatied by the new dog in Diablo 4, perhaps you're a cat person, then there are more pets to unlock as you will see in the wardrobe. Unfortunately these do come at a cost, and right now are tied to the pre-order of Vessel of Hatred, However, if you do choose to pre-order, you can use the new pets now and do not need to wait until the expansion launches on October 8. Depending on your edition, you can get Alkor the Snow Leopard Pet, Natalya the Tiger Pet, or Hlrati the Canine Pet, or get all three with the Ultimate Edition

Vessel of Hatred comes to Xbox, Windows PC, and Steam on October 8 2024, bringing a new map area, new class and new events — if you want even more pets you can preorder now. 

Jennifer Young

Jen is a News Writer for Windows Central, focused on all things gaming and Microsoft. Anything slaying monsters with magical weapons will get a thumbs up such as Dark Souls, Dragon Age, Diablo, and Monster Hunter. When not playing games, she'll be watching a horror or trash reality TV show, she hasn't decided which of those categories the Kardashians fit into. You can follow Jen on Twitter @Jenbox360 for more Diablo fangirling and general moaning about British weather. 

  • Stephen Blythe
    As soon as I saw the pets I knew I had to log in after the showcase when I got there literally all the server was gathering round the doggo 😂