Forums Announcement: Developer User Group

WP Central

Here at WPCentral we appreciate developers as you folks are the future of Windows Phone--your hard work will define the future of the OS and we want you to succeed. With that in our thoughts, we are looking for ways to help so we are now offering a Developer User Group with added benefits.

We already have our Developer Spotlight area with Games Spotlight and Applications Spotlight forum. These areas are dedicated to putting the focus on Applications and Games submitted by developers.

We also have our Beta Test forum for developers to garner feedback from users about their upcoming title. Our army of testers love to take your apps to the brink of destruction in an attempt to help you make the best Windows Phone apps possible.

That’s not all that we have dedicated to developers. We also have our Software development and hacking areas which are open to the public for feedback and are a great place for those who are curious about application development to post questions.

We want to do more and we have a plan we hope will help. We are offering you an opportunity to join our Developer User Group. This group will have added benefits to help you develop, test, and promote your app. For instance we'll have a Developer's Hideout area hidden from other forum members just for you to have discussions with others in the group. Only developers with a published app will be allowed in this group. We will also be giving you your own group title with its own color so you will stand out in the Current Active Users list.

Are you excited yet? Want to know how to qualify? Just post in this thread, Developer User Group program, add a link to your published app and we will then add you to the group. We are also taking your suggestions, so if there is more we can do to help you let us know. If you have more questions or a comment, you can  just can send me (Dave Blake) a Private Message in our forums or hit me up on Twitter @Big_D5

Dave Blake