Forgot to buy a Mother's Day gift? Send Mom a $40 bouquet for just $18 with Teleflora

Mother’s Day is right around the corner, but we’re sure you already prepared a gift for her well in advance. If you were slacking this year, it’s not too late to prepare her a surprise, and flowers are always a safe and heartfelt option. Florists are bombarded with requests at this time of the year, but with Teleflora, you can arrange a bouquet just in time for Mother’s Day for just $18.

Teleflora is a flower service that provides hand-arranged bouquets no matter how far you live from mom. All you have to do is order an arrangement, and Teleflora will work with local florists to deliver it to your mother quickly and reliably. You can choose from a wide selection of bouquets such as floral baskets, centerpieces, and more for any occasion. Say, if you already planned a gift for mom, Teleflora can still help you create an arrangement for a new college grad or a surprise for your significant other.

There’s no better Mother’s Day surprise than a fresh bouquet of flowers. With this deal, you’ll get $40 of Teleflora credit for just $18, or 55% off.

Teleflora Mother's Day Credit: $18 for $40 - $18

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